How to use MailChimp in Magento 2 for transactional emails (Orders, Shipments, Invoices and Credit Memos)

4 min readJul 30, 2022


I didn’t really find a guide with all the steps needed to set up MailChimp on Magento 2 in order to trigger Order Confirmation email notification. So I went on a journey to discover it myself.

Magento 2 transactional emails with MailChimp

Let’s start from the beginning.

Of course, I’m assuming that you already have Magento 2 up and running and a MailChimp account.

I’m running on Magento ver. 2.4.4 and using, for now, the Free plan from MailChimp.

1) Installing MailChimp extension

Go to you Magento directory and run the following command.

$ composer require mailchimp/mc-magento2:103.4.46

If you would like to use other ways, other than Composer, to install this extension, feel free to have a look here.

Run also the following commands to update Magento and clear the cache

$ bin/magento setup:upgrade$ bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f fr_FR en_US$ bin/magento cache:clean$ bin/magento cache:flush

Now that MailChimp Magento 2 extension is installed, let’s move to the next step.

2) Configuration in Magento 2 / Connectivity part

In Magento Administation, you’ll see the MailChimp tab on the left navigation menu. Click on it.

MailChimp — Magento 2 Admin

Another menu will appear, click on Configuration link

MailChimp — Magento 2 Configuration link

Select ‘Yes’ in Enabled field and click on ‘Get API credentials’.

A popup will appear requesting you to log in into MailChimp. Do so.

Once succesfully loged in the API Key will appear in the popup. Copy and paste it in the ‘API Key’ field in Magento.

Magento 2 — MailChimp General Configuration

Click on ‘Save Config’.

Now, click again on MailChimp (Left menu) and select MailChimp Stores.

Click en ‘Create New MailChimp Store’ and fill in General and Address details requested. Click ‘Save’.

You should end up having something similar to this.

Magento 2 — MailChimp Store configuration

Now, navigate again to MailChimp > Configuration. And select the Mailchimp Store and Mailchimp List you’ve just created. Hit ‘Save Config’ again.

First part of the configuration is done. Magento should already be connecting to MailChimp. Make sure Magento cronjobs are running properly. If not already done, follow the steps here.

To verify it, connect to MailChimp console and navigate to Audience > All contacts.

MailChimp Audience menu

You should already see your Magento customers there.

3) Configuration in Magento 2 / Transactional part

In Magento Administration, go to MailChimp > Configuration. Scroll down to Ecommerce Configuration.

Magento 2 — MailChimp Ecommerce Configuration

Select ‘Yes’ in Enabled and chose a date in First Date from where you would order data to be sent to MailChimp.

4) Configuration in MailChimp / Transactional email notifications

In MailChimp console, go to Integrations > Manage, click on ‘E-commerce’ then on ‘Magento 2’.

Click then on ‘Manage Your Sites’. Scroll down to Order Notifications and click on ‘Add’.

Check all notification types, Order Confirmation, Shipping Confirmation, Order Invoice, Cancellation Confirmation and Refund Confirmation.

Click now on ‘Start Sending’.

MailChimp Order notification — start sending button

Go to your Magento 2 storefront and try placing an order with your test account. Order confirmation email should arrive from MailChimp within 2 minutes maximum.



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